1. Tanzimat Doneminde Anadolu Kentleri'nin Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Yapilari
Author: /Musa Cadirci
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)

2. Tanzimat Doneminde Anadolu Kentleri'nin Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Yapisi
Author: /Musa Cadirci
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)

3. Tanzimat Doneminde Anadolu Kentleri'nin Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Yapisi
Author: \ Musa Cadirci
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: شهرها و شهرستانها, -- تاریخ, -- ترکیه,Cities and towns -- Turkey -- History, Local government -- Turkey -- History -- 19th century., Turkey -- History -- Tanzimat, 1839-1876, Turkey -- Social conditions, Turkey -- Economic conditions., ترکیه -- تاریخ -- تنظیمات، ۱۸۳۹-۱۸۷۶م
Classification :

4. Tanzimat surecinde Turkiye ulke yonetimi
Author: / Musa Cadirci
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Turkey - History - Tanzimat, 1839 - 1876,ترکیه - تاریخ - تنظیمات، ۹۳۸۱ - ۶۷۸۱
Classification :

5. Ultrafast charge dynamics in novel colloidal quantum dots
Author: Cadirci, Musa
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Colloidal quantum dots ; Multiple exciton generation ; Exciton-exciton interaction ; Femtosecond transient absorption experiment ; Time-resolved photoluminescence experiment ; Ultrafast carrier dynamics